What We Do?


The Australian Turkish Business Council is a not-for-profit business organisation formed 16 years ago by dedicated Turkish  Australian  Business owners.  Its aim was to bring together the Australian-Turkish commercial enterprises and provide various services for them. A further aim of the council was to create opportunities for the promotion of our member business owners by way of holding business seminars and advertising on our website. We also have networking opportunities where members can meet each other and develop contacts.

The Australian Turkish Business Council has been a major bridge between Australia and  Turkey for the establishment of trade and has been the first point of contact for Turkey's business interests in Australia. 

The ATBC has been the primary host of Turkish trade, government and other dignitaries visiting Australia from Turkey and has a close relationship with the Turkish Embassy and Consular General of Melbourne. 

Other than trade and business the ATBC  has a strong interest in culture and has been advocating and sponsoring major cultural projects within the community. 

It is the first ever Turkish organisation to hold an annual  Ramazan  Iftar dinner to invite the wider community. This year it will hold the 16th Iftar dinner. This dinner is open to all our members. 

The ATBC was also the first business organization to hold a free community annual picnic starting ten years ago,  which is sponsored by the Turkish Business Community and served to the Community on the day by the major Turkish Business in Melbourne.  Each year we are happy to serve around  700 members of our community. 

ATBC has a strong  interest in finance, the tax laws and superannuation and runs regular seminars throughout the year free to our members. 

Education is another important area of interest for the Council and we have been supporting and mentoring university students to achieve their best.

Australian Turkish Business Council his run by an elected  Board of dedicated business owners and professionals who volunteer their time to meet regularly to organize and promote the activities of the  Council. 

The ATBC prides its self as a professional, dedicated and transparent  Council that upholds the values of integrity, equality and diversity within our Australian Turkish Community. 

ATBC Board